Dialogue (R)Evolution is a collaborative training and development partnership, founded with the aim of supporting the understanding and implementation of Open Dialogue and dialogic practice into different contexts and communities around the world.
Origin Story
Having met on Open Dialogue UK’s landmark 3-year Open Dialogue training, Iseult and Rai began to share thoughts and ideas on how they might create a learning space that helps people both get an embodied sense of being in dialogue and create the practices that facilitate dialogical work in their own context.
Both having a strong affiliation for the Hearing Voices Movement and related approaches that question ‘top down’ ways of knowing, they were keen to integrate survivor wisdom and experience into dialogic training. This wish culminated in developing and delivering the first Open Dialogue 1 Year Foundation Training Course with 50/50 expert by experience/expert by profession input – something they hope will be the norm in the not-so-distant future.
Rather than imposing dialogical ways of working, they aim to help people explore what is possible and what is needed in their country, culture and context.
As a training team, they bring together experience and expertise in: Open Dialogue implementation and practice, trauma informed chare, working with psychosis and other complex difficulties, peer support and a range of practical and theoretical approaches to mental distress.

Dr Iseult Twamley
Iseult is a Clinical Psychologist and Open Dialogue Trainer/Supervisor with added experience as a family member and a survivor of trauma. She is the Clinical Lead of the Irish Open Dialogue Implementation in West Cork, which she helped to set up in 2012. Iseult has taught and supervised on a range of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology Training at universities in Ireland and the UK. She has been involved in Open Dialogue training and supervision in the UK, Italy, Australia, Switzerland and Israel. She is also co-leading an Open Dialogue Research Collaboration with University College Cork and is supervising a number of Masters and Doctorate theses.
Iseult is passionate about approaches to mental health that address collaborative and co-productive practice. Given her experience in Ireland, she is particularly interested in exploring innovative ways to cocreate dialogic spaces in mental health services and communities.
Rachel (Rai) Waddingham
Rai is an Open Dialogue Practitioner, international trainer and has experience of creating, establishing and managing innovative peer support-based projects in a range of contexts, including youth, prison, forensic, inpatient and community. She has personal experience of hearing voices, psychosis, trauma, self-harm and hospitalisation and blends knowledge gained through lived experience with that of practice and training. Prior to completing the 3-year Open Dialogue UK training in London, Rai had over 10 years of experience in facilitating dialogic spaces. As a trainer, Rai has facilitated courses and workshops in many countries including USA, Bosnia, Serbia, Prague, Israel and Australia. Rai is engaged in research, currently undertaking a PhD in survivor/user-led grassroots organising in mental health.
Our Services
What you will get
All of our services are built from a partnership between lived and professional experience. We specialise in exploring situations where there is some tensions, concerns or worries around implementing dialogic practice and supporting people to introduce these ideas gradually.
Small changes can make a big difference.