Trauma-Informed Dialogue: A 2-Day CPD Workshop for Open Dialogue Practitioners
Trainers: Iseult Twamley & Rai Waddingham.
23 & 24 March 2022, 08h – 16h GMT/UTC
Online (Zoom)
In recent years there has been an increasing recognition of the high levels of trauma experienced by many of those seeking support in mental health and social care services. Against the backdrop of a global pandemic and two years of lockdowns and restrictions, many of us can also relate to a sense of being stretched beyond our capacity. For some of us, this time has both compounded and created traumas that we are only beginning to navigate.
In this experiential workshop, we will begin to explore where trauma-informed theory, dialogical theory and lived experience of trauma might meet, and where they might inform each other.
Within the relational approach of Open Dialogue we are interested in exploring what happens when it is painful and/or scary to be in relationship with each other – and how we can support one another to be in those challenging situations.
We will explore the challenges and opportunities for bringing our (sometimes traumatised) relational selves into dialogues about, and within, trauma. We will consider what Open Dialogue values and practices can offer in the context of working with trauma. How can this way of working support us to be with trauma in ourselves and the other? What additional considerations or understandings could support us, as Open Dialogue practitioners, in these spaces? How and where might we bring the voice of lived experience of trauma?
We hope to share theories and practices that have supported us in the work, and to create a space for generative dialogues drawing on the experience and wisdom of trainees.
Who is this training for?
This training is open to people who have completed at least a 1 year foundation training in Open Dialogue.
You might want to consider this training if:
- You have an Open Dialogue / dialogic practice
- You are interested in exploring working with trauma using Open Dialogue
- You wish to further develop your dialogic skills in this area
- You would like to share and explore the interface of trauma and dialogue with likeminded international practitioners.
- You are curious about the voice of lived experience for Open Dialogue practitioners.
Rai and Iseult are both trauma survivors who are Open Dialogue practitioners. We will bring the lens of lived experience to the theory and practice of Open Dialogue as we have experienced it.
Further opportunities:
We are excited to offer this seminar as the first in a series of continuing professional development workshops for Open Dialogue / dialogical practitioners.
Please see our website or sign up to our mailing list to hear about future opportunities.
Before applying, please read:
This training combines presentations, practice examples, experiential exercises and space for dialogue. It invites participants to share their experiences, thoughts and feelings with one another in small group exercises. However, it is not a therapy space and it is important that, if you need this, you have your own supports in place.
Please read the ‘our approach to group learning’ page before applying and contact us if you have any questions.

Date & Time
8hr – 16h GMT/UTC on 23 & 24 March 2022
You can use to find out what time this relates to in your local area.
€275 / £235 – Standard (attendees funded by statutory, commercial or large charities/NGOs)
€175 / £150 – Reduced (self-funding attendees, and those funded by smaller charities)
A limited number of scholarships are available on an application basis. The deadline for applications is 28 February.
Please read our terms and conditions and ‘our approach to group learning‘ before booking your place. Our terms and conditions includes information around payment, cancellations, substitutions and refunds.